How to check if gateway is executing or not?

Créé par kamini sharma, Modifié le  Ven, 2 Sept., 2022 à 10:46 H par  kamini sharma

Check if the gateway is executing by performing the below steps:


  1. Open the Task Manager (CTRL + Shift + Esc)

2. Go to the Details tab and check if the gateway-win.exe is executing.

3.Check if other browsers (Firefox/Opera/Edge/Chrome) are running simultaneously with the extension activated; this may cause problems.

If the Gateway is not executing

1. Go to the directory where is located the editor.

2. Right Click on the Aidaxis shortcut on your desktop and click on the properties. 

3. Click on the ‘Open the file location’ option and then ‘Ok’.

5. Go to the file location and open the gateway.

6. Copy the full location of the directory.

7. Open the Windows Registry and  Ordinateur\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\com.aidaxis.editor_gateway

8. If the key com.aidaxis.editor_gateway does not exist, create it (right click « NativeMessagingHosts » > New > key) 


  • No title available. Use Paragraph Format to add one.
    • No title available. Use Paragraph Format to add one.

9. Click on com.aidaxis.editor_gateway, and on the left side, double click « par défaut »


10. Paste the location of the gateway you copied in d) as value, and append “”. You should have something like the following:

11. Click OK, close the registry, deactivate/reactivate expert mode on the extension and test record again

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